
Friday Nov 20, 2020
Fake News Part 2
Friday Nov 20, 2020
Friday Nov 20, 2020
This episode of PRBI Insider investigated the timely and important of Fake News: what it is, what it is not, how to avoid it and how to manage it to prevent reputational damage. PRBI past President Lucy Siegel and PR expert and First Amendment attorney Amy Rotenberg share their insights, advice and recommendations.

Monday Nov 16, 2020
PRBI Insider - Fake News
Monday Nov 16, 2020
Monday Nov 16, 2020
This episode of PRBI Insider investigated the timely and important of Fake News: what it is, what it is not, how to avoid it and how to manage it to prevent reputational damage. PRBI past President Lucy Siegel and PR expert and First Amendment attorney Amy Rotenberg share their insights, advice and recommendations.

Saturday Jan 25, 2020
The State of International PR: Results from the Global Survey
Saturday Jan 25, 2020
Saturday Jan 25, 2020
Joy Scott, President of Scott Public Relations is our host and she welcomes Tarunjeet Rattan, Nucleus Public Relations, Bangalore, India, Lee Weinstein, Weinstein PR Agency, Oregon, and Peter Keijzer, Lubbers De Jong Agency in Amsterdam, Holland. We are here today to talk about a groundbreaking study that PRBI has done looking into the attitudes and expectations and plans for companies around the world in global communications. PRBI is a global organization, Public Relations Boutique International, making this a perfect topic for us. Our topic today is The State of International PR, Results from the Global Survey which was recently completed by 32 firms located all over the world.
The differences between tactics on various continents earned media but also on paid or sponsored media. Changes with the news media in the last five, 10, 15 years, the pool of opportunity for earned media in a sense is really shrinking. Sponsored media has really proliferated as a way to get a message out and communicate. Lee said, “It's been interesting watching news media outlets starting to change the way they describe themselves. I'm hearing newspapers, and what were television stations now call themselves ‘content companies’.” Tarunjeet covers the topic of the blurring of boundaries between marketing digital and PR, how to create brand ambassadors out of the entire company workforce.
In the second half, Peter dives into how media is consumed, “Look at how people consume their news or consume their background stories. This is where it starts. From all the research it says that the younger generation is not using magazines, is not reading papers, is not using the old style, the old economy media anymore, and instead is using the social feeds and their networks to be informed.”
Listen to this episode to hear Joy, Taranjeet, Lee, and Peter talk about the results of this international study. Of particular interest are the common findings around the globe, the same pain points, as well as trends.
This show has been presented by the members of PRBI. PRBI is Public Relations Boutiques International. We are a global network of PR agencies run by senior people, dedicated to strategic counseling, high-impact results, and personal service.
This podcast series is designed to provide practical information on the changing world of PR and how communication can be improved and enhanced, and also how practitioners and clients can engage to solve many of the new challenges of communication today.

Thursday Jan 23, 2020
Winning Partnerships
Thursday Jan 23, 2020
Thursday Jan 23, 2020
This episode is about winning partnerships between clients and their public relations agencies. Joy’s first guest is David Ball, President of Ball Consulting Group, Massachusetts, USA. Her second guest is Tyler Rathjen, Decibel Blue, Arizona, USA. When a company's made a decision to hire a PR firm, Joy asked David what advice he’d give them for picking the right partner. What criteria should they have? What should they be looking for? What should they be considering as this big decision? He was passionate about his answer and advice to companies making this decision, “do they have the skills to deliver what I need? Do they have the ability to understand what we as an organization do? Do they have the ability to write about it and position it and message it and to get it out into the broader public?”
In the second half Joy asked Tyler, “When should a company consider a relationship with a public relations or marketing agency?” Tyler went into an in-depth answer that starts with one major factor, capacity or bandwidth issues. One person is not usually successful in filling in the gaps in those tasks such as writing press releases, developing relationships with the media, handling all social media content and engagement. By hiring a PR agency, they're acknowledging that they need the experts to come in and really help them tell their stories on a broader level.
Listen to this episode for some valuable insights and suggestions to help build your successful partnership with a PR firm.
This show has been presented by the members of PRBI. PRBI is Public Relations Boutiques International. We are a global network of PR agencies run by senior people, dedicated to strategic counseling, high-impact results, and personal service.
This podcast series is designed to provide practical information on the changing world of PR and how communication can be improved and enhanced, and also how practitioners and clients can engage to solve many of the new challenges of communication today.

Monday Jan 20, 2020
Accelerator Companies
Monday Jan 20, 2020
Monday Jan 20, 2020
Joy Scott, President of Scott Public Relations is our host and she welcomes Lucy Siegel CEO, Lucy Siegel LLC and Paul Furiga, President, Founder, and Chief Storyteller, WordWrite PR. In this episode, the topic is accelerator companies. Accelerator companies are defined as companies that are making innovative ideas real and are in the early stages of their existence. When this is occurring, many of these individuals and those who are heads of these organizations are really preoccupied with research and development, doing beta tests, getting regulatory approval, raising money, finding the right leadership, many other things besides PR.
Sometimes the need for, and the opportunity for, developing strong messaging is overlooked. That's what we want to address today is the role of public relations in influencing success for accelerator companies. PRBI has just started a very exciting program to help winning accelerator companies to take that next step utilizing public relations, resources, and skills found within PRBI members.
We have people involved with the PRBI accelerator program from Italy, Germany, Poland, the US. When a company is ready to go to market, one of the things that typically the leadership of that organization and their investors either have not thought of at all or they're not ready to fund, is sharing their story, which is what public relations is all about.
Listen to this episode to hear Joy, Lucy, and Paul talk about this groundbreaking program from the members of the PR Boutiques International organization.
This show has been presented by the members of PRBI. PRBI is Public Relations Boutiques International. We are a global network of PR agencies run by senior people, dedicated to strategic counseling, high-impact results, and personal service.
This podcast series is designed to provide practical information on the changing world of PR and how communication can be improved and enhanced, and also how practitioners and clients can engage to solve many of the new challenges of communication today.